I am a believer in the power of prayer. Years ago, I was extremely sick. Family, friends, and even strangers lifted me up to God in prayer as I went through many surgeries and treatments.
One day, I was again amazed by Christ showing His love through others: a woman named Angie whom I had never met before told me that she had prayed daily for me for a year. She went on to share that she kept a prayer bowl, and each day, she’d ask the Lord’s blessing on the people who were in need at that time. I loved the idea so much that I quickly decided to create a distinctive prayer bowl for myself and a few others, and with that, PrayerBowls were born.
So many times we hear of a prayer request at church, Bible study, or even through email, and we pray for that person at that time. Often, we quickly forget to offer a prayer again while we shuffle back into our daily routine, but God tells us to pray continuously. So, simply place your prayer bowl where you sit daily, and jot down the names of those who you’re praying for on a slip of paper. Then, each day, alone or with your family, lift up those friends in need to the Lord.
May God bless you.