Children are a gift from God

Children are a gift from God

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Psalm 127:3 “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”

 When I ponder the pure and utterly unconditional love of God, my mind often thinks of children. I am sure many of us can reflect on special and meaningful moments of love and care with the children that surround us in our lives. This may be with your own children, nieces or nephews, or maybe even a small moment with a child passing by. It is through these times we are able to be standing witnesses of God’s abundant glory and grace. How wonderful is it to see life through a child’s eyes? They are perfect, tiny humans that solely rely on us as mothers, fathers, caretakers, and communities to hold, care, teach, love, and keep safe.

Romans 15:1 tells us, “now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength, and not just please ourselves.”

Through God’s love and grace, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety and prosperity of our children.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time we are called to help the vulnerable and speak for those who are often unable to speak for themselves. As the Lord’s gift, our children need us to follow God’s lead and love one another unconditionally as he has loved us.

As Psalm 82:3 says, “Do the right thing for the weak and those without a father. Stand up for the rights of those who are suffering and in need.”

We must raise awareness about child abuse prevention and learn more about how we as a community can come together to help families prosper and prevent child abuse. 

In Tampa, FL, Mary Lee’s House is fighting every day for vulnerable children who have been severely abused and neglected. As Hillsborough County’s first and only Child Advocacy and Protection Center, Mary Lee’s House is a community collaboration committed to protecting, respecting, and healing the children of abuse and neglect who pass through their doors. As well as providing preventative services to help stop the cycle of abuse. In the past 11 years, over 30,000 children have received services at Mary Lee’s House. It is through their mission and advocacy that children are able to witness God’s love and care, despite the trauma experienced. 

You might be asking yourself, well Bianca… how do I help? By taking the time to read this and supporting PrayerBowls, you are already making the first step. PrayerBowls recognizes the great work of Mary Lee’s House and helps support the organization financially and with prayer. Regarding Child Abuse Prevention Month, you can also support financially and with prayer to Mary Lee’s House and other organizations whose mission is dedicated to serving the vulnerable. Other ways you can participate in this mission is to truly be the hands and feet of God, checking in with community members and offer support. Every year, Mary Lee’s House hosts a virtual pinwheel garden to spread awareness for the cause. By participating, you can help spread the word to your friends and family and help prevent child abuse in your community. To support the Mary Lee’s House mission of serving vulnerable children, you can sponsor a pinwheel by visiting 

On behalf of all of God’s children, I thank you for your time in reading this. It is my hope we are able to unite together and fight with advocacy and prayer for God’s precious gifts. Our children need us, and God calls us to protect them. 

Psalm 127:3 “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”

God Bless,


Mary Lee’s House Volunteer

 The first PrayerCard that comes with the Angie, Celeste & Bonita has a prayer for the children who come through Mary Lee's House and for all children who are abused.

Lord, we pray that you give your power to the powerless, your fullness to the empty of spirit.  Heal these children's wounds, free them from fear and restore them to true health.  Strengthen them to face the future with you.  Amen.


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