Staking Claim To The PROMISES Of GOD

Staking Claim To The PROMISES Of GOD

8 minute read

I am always ASTOUNDED when I see something spiritual in something secular.

I am sure you can relate! You are listening to a secular song or watching a movie, and suddenly, something sparks your spirit to take a moment to SEE beneath the layers!

There is a quote that has ministered to me for many years. Sadly, I don't remember who said it, but the Holy Spirit has used it time and time again to set my perspective straight.

"You see from where you sit."

The truth hidden within that one-liner is that where we place our perspective is crucial.

~Will we look at the size of the storm or the power of the One who is in our boat with us?

~There will be seasons in our lives that we don't like the view.

~We typically do not enjoy the waiting room.

~We wrestle between what we can see and what we know.

~We must always remember to see every scene of our lives with eyes that have been enlightened by the gospel. Ephesians 1:18 

I clearly remember the season I was sitting in when the LORD astonished me through a Blockbuster Hollywood movie! My husband Bill and I were sitting on our living room sofa in Austin, Texas, watching a movie called Far and Away (1992), starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

A little necessary background is: at this moment in time, I had only recently found my way back to my faith. I had wandered far and away from GOD, but I was back and hungry for spiritual food.

A scene in the movie appeared, depicting what is known in American History as the "Oklahoma Land Rush of 1893." At precisely noon on September 16, 1893, at the sound of the cannon's blast, off went 60,000 hungry settlers, galloping on horses, pulling covered wagons. They raced quickly towards the territory that had gained their attention and, upon seeing it, drove their stake firmly into that ground, claiming it as their own! The look in their eyes was one of pure determination and confidence!

I was astonished! My spiritual eyes flew open, and this moment became a spiritual game-changer!

The next morning, I approached my Bible with this newly ignited passion. As I turned the pages, I could SEE with what I can only describe as "unveiled eyes." Knowing upon my belief in Jesus, I had been purchased at the high price of His blood, and this Word became my own inheritance!

"Not one of the promises of God have failed; not ONE." Joshua 21:45

"And the LORD gave them rest on every side, just as He had sworn to their fathers. None of their enemies could stand against them, for the LORD delivered all their enemies into their hand. Not one of the LORD's good promises to the house of Israel failed; everything was fulfilled." 

Joshua 21:45

Spiritually speaking, a cannon blast had surely sounded throughout my heart, and my journey began. I would come across a verse I wanted to stake a claim to for my marriage, my children, my family, and my loved ones. I would draw a little flag and write the person's name and the date. When the prayer was answered, I would go back and highlight it and put that date!

I have been on this Staking Claims Journey for 20 years now. Today, my Bible is one powerful eyewitness account of answered prayers and powerful faith testimonies. I have witnessed miracles. I have tasted and seen that the LORD is good, even when He doesn't answer my prayer the way I want Him to. My trust in God has deepened and continues to deepen as I learn to take courage and wait upon the LORD.

I've learned that God is rarely early, and He is never late. God has proven time and time again to always be right on time! So even though what, from my perspective, might seem to be a delay, I can trust that my God is at work, working ALL things together for my good. I do love Him.

From the true historical account, I have also come to know that as the settlers began staking claims to their territory, the enemy was on the prowl.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they may have life and have it to the full." John 10:10

"We have an enemy whose goal is to distract, derail, and ultimately his goal is to destroy." Lisa Bevere

He schemes against us, hoping to derail us from faith to fear, but God tells us how to SEE the fiery trials.

1 Peter 4:12 says, "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that is taking place among you to test you as though something strange were happening to you, but rejoice in as much as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed."

His glory will be revealed- and it will be revealed in and through you! For Jesus lived, died, and rose again, as Ephesians 1:3 says, "to bless us with every spiritual blessing that is ours in Christ."

Remember when you are sitting in or near a fire: That not one of His good promises has failed—not one. His Word is not only unchangeable, it is unshakeable.

A few weeks ago, my family traveled to Black Mountain, North Carolina, to spend time with family. We wanted to pray over and encourage my bold and courageous brother, Bob Latham, who is fighting a battle against a rare cancer of the blood known as Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia.

What did my family know to do when faced with the bad report? To continue staking claims in the Word of God. That proved to shift our perspective.

Psalm 121 says: "We lift up our eyes unto the hills—where does our help come from? Our help comes from the LORD, maker of heaven and earth."

I want to take a minute and praise God for my Godly mother. She is the one woman who turned our entire family tree towards Christ. She also led me and my siblings to Jesus when we were old enough to understand. Her example is one of utmost confidence in the LORD, and she can rest knowing that her legacy of faith will live on and on....she will one day be able to leave this world for home, knowing that every one of her children, their spouses, and her grandchildren have a personal relationship with Jesus and the reassurance of knowing our family is eternal.

I know now that is the purpose for all of us who have breath in our lungs today, to not be ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God and the salvation of all.

What battle are you or a loved one facing today?

From the perspective I am sitting in, I would love nothing more than to reach my hands through this computer screen, rest them upon your weary shoulders, and say, "Do not be afraid...greater is HE who is in you than he that is in the world." We get confused. We start staking territory in temporary things rather than the eternal.

This is an eternal truth: this world is not our home. We are sojourners, just passing through. Like Abraham's, our eyes are to be fixed on a city whose architect and foundation IS the LORD! This world is merely our passage, not our portion. My heart is to encourage you right now to keep looking up! Lean into your faith, for perfect love casts out all fear.

Zephaniah 3:17 says, In that day the Lord will say to you; "Do not fear, O Zion; do NOT let your hands fall limp. The LORD your God is among you; He is mighty to save. He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing."

Shift your perspective to see that right now, Jesus is rejoicing over you. He is quieting you with His love. He is rejoicing over you with song! That is the #1 reason for you to look up!

Hindsight may indeed be 20/20, but perspective is everything you need to focus on now.

Get to your Bible and begin staking your claim in the only Word you can read that promises to never change, never give up, never give out. His LOVE will never fail you!

All my heart, Jill

Father, we lift our eyes to You, knowing You alone are Faithful and True. Your mercies are new every morning - how great is Your faithfulness. I pray for every person who is reading this blog. I pray that whatever battle they or their loved ones may face, we can trust that you are the anchor for our soul. You speak to the waves and say, "Be Still." Prince of Peace, shift our perspective so that in the storm, we can clearly see You and trust that You are for us, so tell me, who can be against us? You are the anchor for our hope. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Read other blogs by Jill here: The little things, A Suffering Sparrow finds her song, Good Morning "Mary-Martha" The position Jesus Praises Abiding as One

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