God's PlayBook

God's PlayBook

4 minute read

In the blog below you will note that God is written G-d.  This was intentionally done by our blogger, Lauren Murray.  Lauren grew up Jewish, and many Jews substitute "God" with "G-d", so that they can erase or dispose of the writing without showing disrespect to God.  This is done from a place of treating God's name with reverence and giving respect to God.


As a wife and mother of athletes, I have watched my share of games and I’ve always thought that one of the most exciting things about sports is that no one knows exactly how it’s going to end until the final buzzer or play is over.  A sure bet is never certain, in fact, nothing about a game is certain.  This year we weren’t even certain if there would be a season, and if there would be, what would it look like? 

With all the instability going on in the world, and specifically the sports world, how fortunate we are as believers to have the greatest playbook ever to guide us through the uncertainty, the Word of G-d.  Jesus said to him,

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life...” John 14:6.

When my middle son Aaron became the starting QB for his high school, his coach, Robert Weiner, gave him a beautifully framed picture that had 3 lighthouses. 

Coach explained too Aaron that he is going to have to be the lighthouse for the team, the constant that remains calm and strong in the storms.  The players would look to him as the leader and how he reacts in every situation.  As the players looked to him, he knew he couldn’t panic or lose focus even if a play broke down.

Joshua 1:9 says, "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

How calming and assuring that scripture is when the playbook's of our lives break down.   The light is always there to help us regain our focus.

G-d's playbook proved itself to be the winning one to the parents of the University of Georgia football players.  A wonderful tradition had been started where the families gathered about an hour before the game to pray together. We would meet just inside the family entrance whether we were home or away.  The first away game however, presented a problem because upon entering, fans were forced up a ramp into the stadium and there was no place to congregate.  Several of us who walked in together tried to call those we had phone numbers for but the reception was poor and we couldn’t reach anyone.  I remember thinking Satan is really messing with us today. Still feeling the need to pray, a small group of us who were together prayed.  As more parents began to make their way over to the parent's section, we discussed what happened and soon realized that everyone still prayed!  There were no less than a dozen small groups that stopped and prayed wherever they were.  The Lord had people all over the stadium witnessing the praying parents.  Our plan to all pray together may have been circumvented but G-d's plan prevailed! His playbook is the winning playbook on the field or off.  His words are never changing, His plan is the master plan that never changes.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

Hebrews 13:8. He is the constant Light.


Dear Lord, thank you for calling us to be part of your team.  Just as you invited your disciples to follow you, you are also asking us to join in.  Thank you for giving us a playbook, words of truth and life.  Words that guide us and comfort us in all circumstances.  Words that teach us about who you are and who we are through Jesus.  Thank you for Jesus, he makes us all winners.  Because of Jesus, we know the end game and it is Victory!  Victory over darkness.  Victory over sin.  Victory over death.  Amen.

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